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Advanced Student's Only °>)

Important 'keywords' for this report: Don't do it if you can't handle it! So what does that mean exactly? It means if you get into deep water and you cannot swim then it is kind of dangerous. The same applies to the world of the occult (that which is hidden), and if it is hidden then you want to uncover it and you want to know. However, the way we have been taught by the invisible worlds is "work before you leap".

If you have arrived at this NewMind Tech report, then you may assume you are ready to know what there is to know, and that is not always the case. So, before we inquire into the 'dreamtime', it makes sense to describe our journey up to this point.

We did not learn anything fast. We had to work hard and find out certain hard and fast rules to the psychic world. Rule number 1. Fear is a powerful attractor to fear .. seems obvious doesn't it? So, how about: Fear can multiply and expand out of control far beyond the initial scared impulse the dreamer sets off. Therefore learning to deal with and face 'fear' plays an important part in ones ability ot see and deal with what one sees.

What are the contributing factors to fear? 2. Greed breeds fear, especially in the occult levels. That is why this world is in such a mess. Ignorant, greedy people, desiring to find out things better left alone grabble in the soil of the occult (and then teach others to do the same) - breeding debilitating fear with the potential to destroy their own mind(s).

An example of this is the centuries long idea that deeper knowledge of the occult will further personal and group power as well as increasing personal and group resources at the expense of everyone else. The result? Look at the various religious and political occult groups currently fighting each other for power and resources! If their secret occult knowledge gave them the power of these resource they would not have to fight.

Do you have a satisfied smile on your face reading this? Well, the same applies to you. All your desires multiplied across the ages and weighted with fear, are as deadly as the wars of the divided occult groups struggling to control the resouces of the Earth. The 'occult' resides within the mind of all mankind. It is like an alluring shadow that is there whether you are aware of it or not.

Where do you begin? You begin at the point you fear most. But you don't look outside, nor do you strive to attain. You have to face the fear, no matter what that fear is - and you have to face it with compassion. Does that sound obvious? Most people face fear with fear. That is like adding petrol to the blazing fire. Perhaps take note of Jiddu Krishnamurti: Relationship Of Time And Thought To Fear
'Call of The Wild'
We recently became aware of a phenomenon where the dimensions and layers are converging. Within this awareness is our ability to deal with and be free of astral parasites and be free of psychic energy parasites. No one can teach you this, either you know it or you don't - and if you don't know then go back and deal with those things that are limiting you. The only clue we can offer is that the solution lies inside the seed of the fear.

The various merging worlds and dimensions are also talking to us and speaking to us, and one has to be inwardly stable and free of any kind of fantastical ideas or dogma. When the mind is free of fear it can listen carefully to 'what is', and in that awareness the mind of the observer is part of what is at this moment.

You have to imagine that the other worlds are vibrating close to our awareness, also causing us to become aware of the unknown and the unimaginable. Within that interaction ideas come into the mind or one has a sense of reaching out .. reaching into the unknown and wondering what is there.

It can happen that the physical body feels physical fear, because the function of the body is to keep you alive and the senses operate on that basic principle. If you pay attention and watch this then you will understand it. Moving beyond this basic fear to meet the challenge, one has to reach into one's own intelligence and lift the body into ones own spirit protection, where it will become calm and part of the experience.

The physical body is like a loyal dog, or a loyal and loving servant to the Spirit. The physical body is there as a companion to serve the Spirit, which is what the body lives for .. it lives for you .. it works for you .. it serves you loyally and faithfully no matter what. If one is twisted and distorted the physical body serves with no judgement. This is why the Buddha is 'enlightened'-)

When awareness comes of other dimensions pressing into our world, the mind has to have the capacity to communicate to the physical body that one is protected, then the physical body will co-operate and become still. This stillness is essential to profound observation. It means you and the body are working together.

More recently, there has been a presence of the ancient world as well as a presence of future worlds. The two are connected. Then we looked at this energy force and considered its nature and its direction. Out of which formed the question: What is there outside of the body?

It is important to understand that the spirit worlds are drawing us to understand the spirit while we inhabit physical reality. But as we ask the question (seriously), physical fear arises and also psycholgical fear can block the inquiry or observation of what it means to be without a physical body, and what it means to be outside the physical body.

The reason this factor has become so important, is because this is the first phase of energy flowing into us and across the planet. We are not allowed to reveal the actual realisation or the future this will bring, but we can indicate that this is happening.

In each of us is a vast landscape of mountains and valleys, rivers and oceans, deserts and oasis. We are the universe and the universe is us. To be born into the universe requires that the spirit has to be of the universe, of which it is a part. That which comes to the individual is also related to the whole. Thought (ego) may say, why me? Which is the beginning of fear of that which comes - and the fear restricts the observation of what is.

When you, the spirit can be aware of the process that is happening (which you have drawn to yourself)... that awareness changes you and it changes the future. You see differently, you know things in a different way. In this, the most important factor is not what you have learned; but how it has changed you. HOW it has changed you alters the future, as the actual interaction with the unknown becomes part of you and becomes part of your daily life.
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